Our History
JDNL started the Check B4U Drive program in 2010. The overarching mission was (and still is) to play a small role in helping teens and young adults with Type 1 diabetes lead inspired lives. Many people with T1D choose a path of “no limits” — not allowing diabetes to limit their activities in sports, their chosen career field or family activities.
Diabetes is 24/7 – and while no cure exists, remarkable advancements have been made within the diabetes industry to help individuals monitor and manage diabetes with greater precision. Minimizing complications requires individuals with diabetes ‘be in control’ and be responsible. Ask anyone with diabetes (or a parent of a child or teen with diabetes) and they will talk about how it is part of the daily lives.
As a young person reaches driving age, they obtain more independence and become less reliant on others for their diabetes care and management. When parents, teachers, coaches, school nurses, siblings and friends aren’t around to help, young people with T1D must be ready to ‘take over’. This is especially true when becoming drivers.
JDNL is different from nonprofits and foundations focusing on medical and scientific research for specific diseases. Information they provide (and the work they do) is important and we encourage you to visit their websites.
JDNL’s goal is to bring T1D teens and young adults together in a 6-hour event. While Check B4U Drive is for T1D teens, it’s also for parents that worry about their T1D son or daughter beginning to drive not having yet taken 100% control of their diabetes management.
(While we encourage all teens and young adults with diabetes to pursue their dreams, it’s important they always heed the advice of their medical advisors.)

View our “About the Foundation” one-page summary
Learn more about Check B4U Drive

Thomas Bregmann
Executive Director, Board Member

Denise Hooten
Board Member

Amy Hess-Fishl
Certified Diabetic Educator
What Makes the JDNL Team Special?
Everyone is a volunteer
The team is committed to the mission of JDNL
Experienced and knowledgable
Desire to provide learning, seriousness and fun in a 6-hour program
Supporting of the goal to help T1D teens understand their increased responsibility when driving -- and to be able to achieve their life's dreams and goals